Manuka Honey & Overnight Oats: Fuelling Kadeena Cox

Claire Perry - Manuka Doctor

Claire leads our Product Development Team, ensuring that our products are truly natural and effective. With more than 20 years experience in the health and beauty industry, she is one of the industry’s most experienced Manuka Honey Experts.

With an incredible story of strength and resilience, Kadeena Cox is a figurehead for parasport worldwide. At the top of her game, her cycling times have even reached the levels of her able-bodied British teammates. A role model for millions, Kadeena is a true inspiration for all, proving that if you set your mind to a goal, anything is possible.

“All of my achievements have felt amazing. I’ve always set out to show people across the world who have got MS, or other chronic conditions and invisible illnesses, that we can still achieve things, and if you put your mind to it and try to do it in a different way - it won't be the same way as what it used to be - but you can still achieve things and MS is not the end of your life. It doesn't put a full-stop after your name. You can still continue to do things.”[1]

“A lot of my symptoms are quite invisible. People can't see fatigue, you can't see any of the sensory issues that people have got, you can't see any of the cognitive issues, and that's quite tricky, especially for someone at work, or for me in terms of my sport and my classification.”

“The stress on my muscles and joints during training can sometimes be really uncomfortable. Manuka Doctor Manuka Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory which really helps to relieve the inflammation in my body, easing aches and pains from the day.”‌

“Manuka Doctor Manuka honey is also a slow release carbohydrate so I fuel my body with this natural sweetener during meal time, or add it to my water bottle, so I don't get those terrible dips in energy throughout the day.”

“I find the best way to combine Manuka honey into a meal is by adding it into an overnight oats recipe. Like Manuka honey, oats provide my body with energy for long term use and prevents my blood sugar levels to spike. So if you’re into sports, like me, eating oats 2 hours before working out is ideal. Plus, I top it off with a sprinkling of Bee Pollen as it is a great source of protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids and it is super tasty!”

Fuel Your Training: Kadeena’s Overnight Oats Recipe


  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, plain
  • 1/4 cup strawberries
  • 2 tsp Manuka Doctor Manuka Honey


Add oats to your container of choice, pour in milk, and add in blueberries and Greek yogurt. Sweeten by topping with Manuka honey before refrigerating.

Let steep for at least 8 hours in a refrigerator. Best to eat within 24 hours.

When you’re ready to eat, sprinkle crunchy Bee Pollen granules on the top!

Article References